Now it's easier than ever to print your
save the dates, wedding and bridal shower invitations,
baby announcements, party invitations, and programs
using your computer and inkjet or laser printer and
our free invitation templates.
Each of our invitation template are specifically formated for your
invitation. You simply open the template, type in your invitation
or announcement wording and print!
In order to use our templates you will need Microsoft
Word® 97 or newer (or a program that can open Word®
documents) to view the templates correctly.
Once your order has shipped you will receive your invitation
template and tracking information via email.
Please follow the steps below to ensure successful printing
our your invitations or announcements;
Open the invitation template using Microsoft Word®
97 or newer.
Using the curser enter your invitation or announcement
wording over the on-screen instructions.
We recommend that you photocopy the invitation or cut a blank
sheet of paper to the same size to ensure that the font, font
size and placement of your message will be as you desire.
you are happy with the results, load the invitation paper in
your printer and print!
sure which way to load your invitation paper?
Use this simple test to determine how. Place a small X on one
side of your test sheet and place in your printer with the X
facing up. Print your invitation wording. If the X shows up
on the printed side, load your paper design side up. If
the X shows up on the opposite side, load your paper design
side down.
you have any questions, please contact Customer Service. |